Agus Supriono, S.P., M.Si.
Koordinator Program Studi
The Agribusiness Study Program (Ba-Agri) was established in 1976 as one of eight Departments in the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jember. The main focus of the program is agri-food system business and management. The program has excellent achievement at the national level “Unggul” by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research Accreditation Board. To improve the education quality, since 2018 the program has been implemented Outcome Based Education (OBE) which is supported by academic and education staff. By the OBE the education system imposed the teaching process based on the addressed outcome. The graduate profile of the program are the graduate profile has personal integrity on agribusiness, agile learner, has technical skills on the agribusiness field, able to (work individually, work on the team, capable on negotiating, solve agribusiness problem).The program concern on agri-food system business and management which university vision, which is excellent in the development of science, technology and environmentally-based arts, business, and industrial agriculture. The program has strong commitment to improve quality in teaching, research and society empowerment. Regularly, the program conducts evaluation of program (lecture) achievement every semester. Besides, the program also conducts curriculum evaluation annually for the minor evaluation, and every five years for major evaluation. The program has been accredited by the ASIIN Agency which is concerned with accreditation for Study Programs in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics. The Agency is supported by an alliance of universities, professional associations, faculty associations, technical and scientific societies concerned with higher education. International standards are important for programs to maintain and improve the quality of higher education.
Guru Besar
Mahasiswa Aktif